




Can I attach large files to my emails?

Published 08/01/2005 11:19 AM   |    Updated 01/26/2010 11:17 AM
Can I attach large files to my emails?
Large File Attachments

There are two easy ways to attach large files to an email. You can either compress a file or split it into smaller files.

  • Compressing a File

    If a file is to large to send as it is, it can be compressed to make the size smaller before it is attached. If you are using Windows XP or Vista, a compression option is available to use. Right click(click right mouse button)on any file and select "Send to" and choose "Compressed (zipped) folder. And just like that the file is compressed. To find out more about File Compression, click on the link below.

  • What is File Compression?
    File Compression File compression is used to store or send files that are large and require more bandwidth to download in a reasonable time, or are too large to store. It replaces the data with smaller codes that take up less room. To View compressed files the user needs a compatible decompression program that can read these codes and convert the data back to its original form. Some examples of compressed files will have the following extensions: .zip, .sit, .tar, .bin, and .rar. Popular File Compression programs include WinRar and WinZip. Windows allows users to compress files by right-clicking on a file or folder. The compressed file can then be attached to an email message. Using file compression reduces the space taken up by images and documents. Users sending images should compress them. File Compression programs can be found on sites such as
  • Spliting a File

    If a file is still too large as a compressed file, the other option is to split the file into smaller files. When creating the smaller files, remember to keep in mind the attachment size limit as well as the recipients attachment size limit. Files can be split using any file splitter program.